"Beyond the Unwasted" is a free 2-day Circular Economy event being organised in Maastricht, co-sponsored by the municipality. Prof. Nancy Bocken will be giving a talk on Circular Business at the event.
Date: | 24/09/2021 - 25/09/2021 |
Location: | Maastricht Institute of Arts, Herdenkingsplein 12, 6211PW Maastricht |
"Beyond the Unwasted" is a Circular Economy event being organised in Maastricht in parallel with the SDG Global Goals Week 2021. Several speakers and workshop organisers are gathering in Maastricht for a free 2-day event co-sponsored by the municipality.
There will be workshops and talks about upcycling (DenimX), ‘precious plastics', the Purpose Economy (Kees Klomp) and Circular Business (Nancy Bocken). Please find the programme and more information here: https://www.beyondtheunwasted.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/programma-BtU-01.pdf