Workshops & Tools

The game-based tool is designed to educate and inspire about sustainable business innovation.

Following previous tests with researchers and students, The Road to Flourishing tool was tested by the Innoboost team (Christiaan Kraaienhagen, Sandra Horlings & Marjolein Oyen) and Marielle van Hemert who played it and provided valuable feedback for further improvements.

The game-based tool aims to show the breadth of sustainable business model options and encourage businesses to think beyond the easy-to-implement ones. The game is meant to be used in combination with other tools, as a warm-up or introduction exercise that takes around one hour and sets the scene for strategising.

If you are interested in the tool and would like to find out more, you can contact developer Laura Niessen at l.niessen[a]

You can also find more information about the tool in this early development conference paper: Niessen & Bocken (2023) Transforming sustainable business as usual