This page shows academic publications from the Circular X project. While the project is in its early stages, relevant articles published already before the official project start are also added below.
Articles published during project Circular X (in order of appearance online):
Bocken, N., Dalhammar, C., Coffay, N. (2025). The Brussels and California effects? Circular economy policy influence across borders. Circular Economy & Sustainability.
Bocken, N., Kimpimäki, J-P., Ritala, P., Konietzko, J. (2025) How circular are large corporations? Evidence from a large-scale survey with senior leaders. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 108151.
Bocken, N., Shirahada, K. (2025). Circular Business Models in Japan: Analysis of circular business transformation through an institutional approach. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 54, 389-403.
Van Opstal, W., Bocken, N., Brusselaers, J., (2025) Cooperating for Circularity? Perspectives of Citizen Energy Cooperative Members on Circular Solar Business Models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 487, 144653.
Niessen, L., Bocken, N. M., & Dijk, M. (2024). The Road to Flourishing–Can we drive strongly sustainable business intention through a game-based tool? Journal of Cleaner Production, 474, 143567.
Strupeit, L., Bocken, N. & Van Opstal, W. (2024), Towards a circular solar power sector: Experience with a support framework for business model innovation. Circular Economy and Sustainability.
Van Opstal, W., Borms, L., Brusselaers, J., Bocken, N., Pals, E. & Dams, Y. (2024), Towards Sustainable Growth Paths for Work Integration Social Enterprises in the Circular Economy. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Sakao. T., Bocken, N., Nasr. N. Umeda, Y. (2024). Implementing circular economy activities in manufacturing for environmental sustainability. CIRP Annals. 73(2), 457-481.
Das, A., & Bocken, N. (2024). Regenerative business strategies: A database and typology to inspire business experimentation towards sustainability. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 49, 529–544.
Møller Haase, L., Mugge, R., Mosgaard, M., Bocken, N., Jaeger-Erben, M., Pizzol, M., Søgaard Jørgensen, M. (2024). Who are the value transformers, value co-operators and value gatekeepers? - New routes to value preservation in a sufficiency-based circular economy. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 204, 107502.
Sarokin, S.N., Bocken, N. M.P. (2024) Pursuing Profitability in Slow Fashion: Exploring Brands’ Profit Contributors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 141237.
Heikkurinen, P., Skrbina, D., Bocken, N., Gossen, M., Princen, T. (2024). Call for Papers - Sufficiency: An Ethic for Ecologically Constrained Organizations. Journal of Business Ethics.
Klofsten, M., Kanda, W., Bienkowska, D., Bocken, N., Mian, S., & Lamine, W. (2024). Start-ups within entrepreneurial ecosystems: Transition towards circular economy. International Small Business Journal, 02662426241227520.
Baldassarre, B., Calabretta, G., Karpen, I., Bocken, N., Hultink, E.J. (2024). Responsible Design Thinking for Sustainable Development: Critical Literature Review, New Conceptual Framework, and Research Agenda. Journal of Business Ethics.
Vehmas, K., Bocken, N. & Tuovila, H. (2024). Understanding Consumer Attitudes Towards Sustainable Business Models—A Qualitative Study with Finnish Consumers. Circular Economy & Sustainability.
Das, A., Konietzko, J., Bocken, N., & Dijk, M. (2023). The Circular Rebound Tool: A tool to move companies towards more sustainable circular business models. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 20, 200185.
Han, D., Konietzko, J., Dijk, M., & Bocken, N. (2023). How do circular start-ups achieve scale?. Sustainable Production and Consumption. Han, D., Konietzko, J., Dijk, M., & Bocken, N. (2023). How do circular start-ups achieve scale?. Sustainable Production and Consumption.
Nesterova, I., Beyeler, L., & Niessen, L. (2023, June). Business of deep transformations: A non-binary approach. In Bits & Bäume: Die Konferenz für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit (pp. 82-86). Technische Universität Berlin.
Konietzko, J., Das, A., & Bocken, N. (2023). Towards regenerative business models: A necessary shift?. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 38, 372-388.
Niessen, L., Bocken, N. M. P., & Dijk, M. (2023). Sufficiency as trend or tradition?—Uncovering business pathways to sufficiency through historical advertisements [Original Research]. Frontiers in Sustainability, 4.
Niessen, L., Bocken, N. M. P., & Dijk, M. (2023). The impact of business sufficiency strategies on consumer practices: The case of bicycle subscription. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 35, 576-591.
Bocken, N., & Coffay, M. (2022). The Circular Experimentation Workbench–a Lean and Effectual Process. Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1-23.
Bocken, N. & Konietzko, J. (2022), Experimentation capability for a circular economy: a practical guide", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N, & Hultink, E. J. (2022). Prototyping, experimentation, and piloting in the business model context. Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 564-575 (open access).
Niessen, L., & Bocken, N. (2021). How can business drive sufficiency? The business for sufficiency framework. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28, 1090-1103 (open access).
Bocken, N., & Short, S. (2021) Unsustainable business models – Recognising and resolving institutionalised social and environmental harm. Journal of Cleaner Production, 312, 127828 (open access).
Bocken, N. M. P., Stahel, W., Dobrauz, G., Koumbarakis, A., Obst, M., & Matzdorf, P. (2021) Circularity as the new normal. Future fitting Swiss business strategies. WWF Switzerland and PWC.
Bocken, N. M., Weissbrod, I., & Antikainen, M. (2021). Business Model Experimentation for the Circular Economy: Definition and Approaches. Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1-33 (open access).
Bocken, N., Weissbrod, I., & Antikainen, M. (2021) Business experimentation for sustainability: emerging perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 281, 124904124904. Open access available here.
Çetin, S., De Wolf, C., & Bocken, N. (2021) Circular Digital Built Environment: An Emerging Framework, Sustainability, 13, 6348
Ritala, P., Albareda, L., & Bocken, N. (2021) Value creation and appropriation in economic, social, and environmental domains: Recognizing and resolving the institutionalized asymmetries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 290, 125796. Open access available here.
Bocken, N., Weissbrod, I., & Antikainen, M. (2020, June). The Emerging Research Field of Experimentation for Circular Business Model Innovation. In 5th international online conference on New Business Models: Sustainable. Circular. Inclusive. (pp. 106-110).
Henry, M., Schraven, D., Bocken, N., Frenken, K., Hekkert, M., & Kirchherr, J. (2021) The battle of the buzzwords: A comparative review of the circular economy and the sharing economy concepts. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 38, 1-21.
Conference contributions project Circular X:
Niessen, L., & Bocken, N. (2024). "But what does it mean for our business?": Design Science Research to Improve Tool Usability 9th International Conference on New Business Models (NBM2024), San Sebastian, Spain.
Niessen, L. & Bocken, N. (2023). Transforming Sustainable Business as Usual – A tool encouraging businesses to go further. 5th Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE) Conference, 31 May - 2 June, Espoo, Finland.
Nyffenegger, R., Groesser, S., & Bocken, N. (2023). Diffusion of Circular Photovoltaic Product-Service Systems among Large Solar Applications. 8th International Conference on New Business Models, 21-23 June, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Nyffenegger, R., Baldassarre, B., & Bocken, N. (2023). Circular business models and supporting policies for reusing of photovoltaic modules in the EU. 5th Product Lifetimes And The Environment Conference, 31 May – 2 June, Helsinki, Finland.
Das, A., Bocken, N. (2023). What's next in the Circular Economy? A Regenerative Business Model Database as a Source for Inspiration. 8th International Conference on New Business Models, 21-23 June, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Das, A., Bocken, N., Konietzko, J. (2023). A qualitative framework for mapping rebound effects of different circular business model archetypes. 5th Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE) Conference, 31 May - 2 June, Espoo, Finland.
Coffay, M., Bocken, N. (2022). Sustainable By Design: A Tool for Organizational Design to Facilitate Sustainable Business Model Innovation. 7th International Conference on New Business Models, 22-24 June, Rome, Italy (pp. 503-510).
Das, A., Bocken, N., Konietzko, J. (2022) A Tool To Support More Sustainable Circular Business Models. 7th International Conference on New Business Models, 22-24 June, Rome, Italy (pp. 790-794).
Han, D., Bocken, N., Konietzko, J., Dijk, M. (2022). How do circular businesses scale up? 7th International Conference on New Business Models, 22-24 June, Rome, Italy (pp. 368-370).
Niessen, L., Bocken, N. (2022) A Sufficiency Business Database as a Tool to Drive Sustainable Business Models. 7th International Conference on New Business Models, 22-24 June, Rome, Italy (pp. 640-644).
Das, A., Konietzko, J., Bocken, N. (2021). Tracking Environmental Impacts while Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models. New Business Models Conference, Halmstad, 9-11 June 2021 (pp. 662-666).
Han, D., Bocken, N., Dijk, M., Konietzko, J. (2021). Locality Matters-Understanding The Emergence of Circular Service Business Models across Different Countries. New Business Models Conference, Halmstad, 9-11 June 2021 (pp. 253-257).
Niessen, L., Bocken, N. (2021). Business action for sufficiency – towards viable business strategies, Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE), (virtual) 26-28 May 2021.
Bocken, N., Weissbrod, I., & Antikainen, M. (2020, June). The Emerging Research Field of Experimentation for Circular Business Model Innovation. In 5th international online conference on New Business Models: Sustainable. Circular. Inclusive. (pp. 106-110).
Book chapters published during project Circular X:
Niessen, L., Bocken, N., & Dijk, M. (2024). Paving the Way towards Sufficiency in Mobility. Promoting Cycling Through a Bicycle Subscription Service. In M. Gossen & L. Niessen (Eds.), Sufficiency in Business (pp. 239-256). transcript Verlag.
Gebauer, Jana/Niessen, Laura/Gossen, Maike (2024). Self-Restraint and Sufficiency of a Steel Processor. Countering the Corporate Rebound Effect. In: Maike Gossen/Laura Niessen/, Sufficiency in Business (273-294). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Book: De Wolf, C., Çetin, S., Bocken, N.M.P. (eds) (2024) A Circular Built Environment in the Digital Age. Circular Economy and Sustainability. Springer Nature, Cham.
Foreword (and contributing author) for: “Inclusive Loops: The Crucial Role of Social Entrepreneurs in the Circular Economy”, a report by World Economic Forum’s Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship and TechnoServe
Bocken, Nancy & Niessen, Laura & Tukker, A. (2021). Impacts of Consumption and the Role of Business. In: Brinkmann, R. (Ed.). "The Palgrave Global Handbook of Sustainability", Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Bocken, N. (2021) Circular Business Models – mapping experimentation in multinational firms. In: Kopnina, H., Poldner, K.A., (Eds). "Circular Economy: Challenges and opportunities for ethical and sustainable business”, Routledge.
Articles relevant to the project, but published before the project start:
Baldassarre, B., Konietzko, J.,Brown, P.,Calabretta, G., Bocken, N., Karpen, I., Hultink, E.J. (2020) Addressing the design-implementation gap of Sustainable Business Models by prototyping: A tool for planning and executing small-scale pilots. Journal of Cleaner Production, 255, 120295
Open access free text available here.
Bocken, N.M.P., de Pauw, I., van der Grinten, B., Bakker, C. (2016) Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 32 (1), 67-81. (open access)
Bocken, N.M.P., Boons, F., Baldassarre, C. (2019) Sustainable business model experimentation by understanding ecologies of business models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208C, 1498-1512.
Open access free text available here.
Bocken, N., Geradts, T. (2020) Barriers and Drivers to Sustainable Business Model Innovation: Organization Design and Dynamic Capabilities. Long Range Planning (in press) (open access)
Bocken, N., Miller, K., Weissbrod, I., Holgado, M., & Evans, S. (2017) Business Model Experimentation for Circularity: Driving sustainability in a large international clothing retailer. Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment (EPEE), 2017(1), ), 85-122. (open access)
Bocken, N., Mugge, R., Bom, C., Lemstra, H. (2018) Pay-per-use business models as a driver for sustainable consumption: evidence from the case of HOMIE. Journal of Cleaner Production. 198, 498-510.
Open access free text available here.
Bocken, N. M., Schuit, C. S., & Kraaijenhagen, C. (2018) Experimenting with a circular business model: Lessons from eight cases. Environmental innovation and societal transitions, 28, 79-95.
Open access free text available here.
Bocken, N., Short, S., Rana, P., Evans, S. (2014) A literature and practice review to develop Sustainable Business Model Archetypes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 65, 42–56 (open access).
Bocken, N., & Snihur, Y. (2019) Lean Startup and the Business Model: Experimenting for Novelty and Impact. Long Range Planning, 101953 (open access)
Bocken, N., Strupeit, L., Whalen, K., Nußholz, J. (2019) A Review and Evaluation of Circular Business Model Innovation Tools. Sustainability, 11(8), 2210. (open access)
Konietzko, J., Bocken, N., Hultink, E.J. (2020) A tool to analyze, ideate and develop circular innovation ecosystems. Sustainability, 12, 417. (open access)
Schuit, C.S.C, Kraaijenhagen, C., Bocken, N.M.P. (2017) Kickstarting circular business experimentation - From product ownership to customer experience. Innoboost & TU Delft. (open access)
Weissbrod, I., & Bocken, N. M.P. (2017) Developing sustainable business experimentation capability–A case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 2663-2676. (open access)